MS IDM Thesis
A Multiplayer Game Design to Improve
Online Learning Experiences
A research for design project that aims to improve online learning through a multiplayer game design that encourages collaborative learning and teaches the players digital circuits.
Figma Prototype Link

Home page

Game Play Player Squares

Home page
Digital Logic Gameplay
One of the shortcomings of online learning proves to be the decreased amount of or lack of social interaction which negatively affects other aspects of learning, such as cognitive and motivational. This thesis dives deep into the research surrounding online learning in an effort to learn the best practices to design a product that alleviates the problems seen in online learning. It then focuses on the design of a collaborative multiplayer learning game that intends to teach digital electronics concepts. The result is a 2-player browser game that facilitates collaborative learning and the practice of digital circuits in an engaging manner.
In this game design, the players are stuck inside an old computer that they must fix to be able to get out. Each level is a digital circuits problem that the players must solve together by connecting the correct logic gates to the empty nodes, collecting gates as they go. The target demographic is undergraduate students in ECE or CS courses.
Secondary Research
I set out to learn the current state of online learning, what are the gaps that need to be addressed, and the innovations that are currently being and will be implemented to improve the students’ experience

Secondary Research Outcome
Primary Research
The primary research aimed to investigate the students’ experiences with online learning and determine students’ preferences for the game. The primary research I have conducted consists of four parts: a survey amongst potential players, a co-design activity to determine the game’s layout, an interview with the target demographic, and an expert interview
1. Survey
I created, distributed, and analyzed the results of this survey using Qualtrics. Out of the 66 undergraduate survey respondents, only 3 were not current or recent digital electronics students

Preference of Study Format

Interest level after playing learning game

Preferred mode of communication with other players

Preference of Study Format
2. Co-design Activity
The aim of this activity was to find out the students’ preferences for the layout of the game screen. I asked the participants to place and resize the individual elements of the game on the game screen as they would prefer.

Layout arranged by student

Layout arranged by student

Layout arranged by student

Layout arranged by student